Transgender Policy
Team Bath Rhythmic Gymnastics welcomes anyone who wishes to take part in gymnastics, accepting them in the gender in which they present. If the Club doesn’t know someone is trans, they will treat them based on the gender in which they present. It is illegal to discriminate against anyone who has the protected characteristic of gender reassignment.
All club members should understand the use of correct pronouns when addressing someone who is trans. Members should use the appropriate pronoun based on their self-identified gender. Some trans people e.g. those who are non-binary, may use gender-neutral pronouns such as they/their and ze/zir. If a club member is unsure, they should ask the person what pronouns they prefer to use.
Disclosure of information
An individual does not have to disclose to the Club that they are trans and should never be forced to do so. If they do choose to share information and it is confidential, the Club will not disclose without their explicit consent. A new member to the Club may already have transitioned and they may never wish this information to be disclosed. It is a criminal offence to disclose the trans status of anyone with a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) without their agreement.
If someone voluntarily discloses to the Club that they or their child is trans, the Club will agree with the individual what information is to be shared with others. A trans person should not be restricted from taking part in Club activities in their self-identified gender. The Club will refer to BG’s Transgender Policy for competition entries for female trans over the age of 12.
Data collection and Criminal Record Checks
The Disclosure and Barring Service provides a confidential checking process for trans applicants who do not wish to reveal details of their previous name and gender. Club officials who complete DBS checks therefore do not need to know these details. BG do not require gender information for membership. It is voluntary, with a ‘prefer not to say’ option.
Gymnasts wishing to take part in competitions must select a gender. Trans gymnasts under the age of 12 can compete without restriction in their self-identified gender. Once a trans female is over the age of 12, additional rules apply to ensure fair competition. The club will ensure trans girls are aware of the policy prior to reaching the age of 12 so that appropriate steps are taken to support the gymnast and, subject to complying with BG’s competition policy, enable them to continue to compete.
Toilets & Changing Facilities
Trans gymnasts will use changing facilities according to the gender in which they identify, however some trans people may feel more comfortable using gender-neutral spaces. The availability of gender-neutral facilities and private cubicles will depend on training and competition venues. It is not acceptable to insist that a trans person uses the toilets that are meant for disabled people, or unisex toilets, unless no other facilities are available.
Any Club member who raises concerns that a trans person is using the ‘wrong’ facilities must understand that under the Equality Act 2010 the law requires trans people to be treated in the same way as someone who shares the gender to which they identify. If an individual remains unhappy about a trans person using facilities appropriate to their gender identity, then it is the individual who should make alternative arrangements.
If a new member shares that they are trans, the Club may ask whether they are happy to use the appropriate gender facilities or prefer an alternative arrangement. This may depend on whether the individual is a child or where they are in the process of transitioning and whether they have undergone any gender reassignment surgery.
When making any arrangements for the use of changing facilities, the Club will consider safeguarding arrangements relating to children and ensure that adults are not getting changed at the same time in the same space as children.
When planning a residential event the Club will consult with trans gymnasts and parents to discuss any concerns. Where appropriate a risk assessment will be conducted with regard to any safeguarding issues. Any assessment will be carried out in consultation with the gymnast and their parent; implementation will be discrete and respect the trans gymnast’s rights and dignity. It is usual practice for gymnasts to share rooms and trans people should be able to sleep in a room appropriate to their gender identity. However, some trans people may not feel comfortable doing this and in such cases alternative sleeping arrangements will be considered for privacy reasons.
Supporting someone who transitions as an existing participant
If a club member makes the decision to transition, having previously been known to other members in the opposite gender, the Club will offer appropriate support.
The Club will support a person’s transition process with the following:
• An agreed date of transition (change of gender role).
• Who needs to be informed and the arrangements for sharing this information.
• What they wish to be called (name and pronouns)
How they will be supported on a personal level.
Arrangement for changing and toilets.
• Other steps the Club will take to support inclusion.
Name changes
A trans person who tries a new name before making a final decision will be supported by the Club and explanations agreed with them. Club members will use their new name and appropriate pronouns to raise confidence in their gender identity. A person wishing to change personal information will be treated in the same way as any other person updating their record. There is no requirement for a gender recognition certificate (GRC) or other legal documentation. Trans people might choose to change their name by statutory declaration or deed poll (parental consent is required for anyone under 16), however this is not a requirement if changing their name at the Club or for BG membership.
If an existing member transitions, they can request replacement certificates for any BG qualification they hold in previous name and title. BG may retain some information relating to a person’s trans status if they are a trans female and are participating in competitive gymnastics. This information will remain confidential, limited only to those who need it in order to comply with BG’s Transgender Policy.
Transphobia, bullying and harassment
The Club has zero tolerance of transphobic bullying. If an incident occurs, or is alleged, the perpetrator can be charged with a hate crime, which the police consider a serious offence. Examples of transphobic bullying include deliberately using the wrong pronouns, asking questions about things such as gender, body or medical treatment in an intrusive, inappropriate or repeated way, or making offensive comments about someone who is trans. Where a disclosure of transphobic bullying is made (even when the bullying originates outside the Club but involves Club members), the Club has a duty to ask for evidence e.g. a screen shot of messages, and will pass any information onto either BG or the police to investigate.
Dealing with concerns from other people
If parents or other participants raise concerns connected to a trans person, the Club will remind them of its legal responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010. Confidential information about a trans person should never be shared.
Welfare Team
April 2019
Trans (or transgender): an umbrella term to cover a diverse group of people whose sense of personal identity does not correspond with the gender assigned to them at birth. This includes people who identify as male but assigned as female at birth and vice versa. It also includes people who do not identify closely with either gender (non-binary) or people with other experiences of gender that don’t fit our cultural norms, for example, people who cross-dress or people who would describe themselves as gender fluid or genderqueer.
Transsexual: the term used in the Equality Act 2010 to refers to someone with the protected characteristic of gender reassignment. The term transsexual man describes a female‐to-male transsexual person and transsexual woman to describe a male‐to‐female transsexual person. This is not the same as a crossdresser, or transvestite, nor is it the same as sexual orientation.
Trans woman or trans girl: a person assigned male at birth who identifies with the female gender, but has not necessarily transitioned.
Trans man or trans boy: a person assigned female at birth who identifies with the male gender, but has not necessarily transitioned.
Non-binary: someone who does not define themselves as male or female or moves between genders.
Transition: the process when trans people change their gender presentation to bring it into alignment with their gender identity. Transitioning may involve medical treatment, to bring a person’s physical characteristics into conformity with their gender identity and presentation.
Gender Reassignment: one of 9 protected characteristics defined in the Equality Act 2010 and is the process of transitioning from one sex to another. This legislation prohibits discrimination against a person who is proposing to undergo, is undergoing or has undergone a process, or part of a process, for the purpose of reassigning their sex.
Gender Recognition: the process which enables transsexual people to be legally recognised in their acquired gender. Under the provisions of the Gender Recognition Act 2004, a transsexual person may submit an application to the Gender Recognition Panel. Applicants must provide paper evidence to the Gender Recognition Panel indicating that they have already changed their name, title and gender role, on a continuous basis, for at least two years, and that they have the intention to live in the altered gender role for the rest of their lives. A medical opinion indicating that the applicant has experienced gender dysphoria is necessary, and some details regarding the nature and dates of treatment where this has been undertaken. However, no surgery is required.
Transphobia: a range of negative attitudes, feelings or actions toward transgender or transsexual people, or toward transsexuality.
Gender dysphoria: a recognised condition described by the NHS in which a person feels a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity, for which treatment is sometimes appropriate. It is not a mental illness. Some people with gender dysphoria have a strong and persistent desire to live according to their gender identity, rather than their biological sex and may undergo medical treatment so that physical appearance is more consistent with gender identity. On average, men are diagnosed with gender dysphoria five times more than women. While gender dysphoria is rare, the number of people being diagnosed is increasing due to growing public awareness about the condition. Signs can appear at a very young age e.g. a child refusing to wear typical clothes of their gender or taking part in non-typical games – this occasionally passes but often continues to adulthood. The onset of puberty may increase the risk of self-harm, addiction or suicide.
Useful Organisations
Allsorts www.allsortsthe
Supports and empowers children and young people under 26 who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or unsure (LGBTU) of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity.
Gender Identity Research & Education Society (GIRES)
Aims to improve the lives of trans and gender non-conforming people of all ages, including those who are non-binary and non-gender. Provides a range of free e-learning courses.
Gendered Intelligence
Aims to increase understandings of gender diversity, working with the trans community and those who impact on trans lives, particularly specialising in supporting young trans people under the age of 21.
Raises awareness about gender nonconformity in children and young people amongst professionals and the general public.
Supports organisations to make a difference for LGBT people.