On the weekend of 23rd / 24th March over 400 gymnasts including approximately 73 groups from all over the UK met at Stoke on Trent to take part in the Group Seeding and Open Individual Apparatus Championships.
Espoir Blue and Espoir Gold qualified for the Level 3 National Group League, placing 30th and 33rd respectively.

Senior Gold and Senior Blue qualified for the National Level 4 and 5 Group League, placing 1st and 6th respectively. Senior Gold also qualified for the British Championships (top five groups).

Congratulations to everyone for representing the club so well. Although Junior Performance were unable to take part due to injury, British Gymnastics have given them a waiver allowing them to compete at Round 1 so as to achieve a qualification and par-ticipate in the remainder of the league.
In the Open Individual Apparatus Championships, Senior Sophie placed 6th in Ball, 7th in Ribbon and 12th in Hoop. Amongst the Juniors, Elena placed 11th in clubs, 16th in Ball and 16th in Ribbon, whilst Kashvi placed 22nd in Ribbon and 34th in Ball.