Parents/Carers Code of Conduct
As a club we strive to provide an environment where children can develop as gymnasts and as individuals. We want to create a friendly atmosphere where gymnasts feel safe and valued and able to fulfil their potential. It is therefore important that everyone follows the relevant codes of conduct. As a parent or carer connected with a gymnast at the club, please follow the guidelines below to help make the club a safe and child friendly place.
As a parent/carer of a gymnast at our club, you have the right to:
Be assured that you child is safe during their time with us
Know how to access our club policies and procedures and how to contact our Welfare officer.
Know that any concerns around your child’s welfare will be listened to and responded to appropriately.
Be kept up to date with your gymnast’s progress and development and informed of any concerns where appropriate.
· Know who your child’s lead coach is and what qualifications they hold.
As a parent/carer of a gymnast at our club, we expect you to:
Ensure your child is dressed in club kit/uniform, with their hair in a neat bun and that they have plenty to drink (plus a snack for longer sessions).
Always drop off and collect your child promptly.
If you are going to be late, please contact your child’s coach immediately to let them know and provide clear advice about any arrangements you have made with other parents (for example if you are giving consent for your child to wait with another parent).
Keep the club informed if your child is ill or unable to attend training.
Maintain a good relationship with your child’s coach.
Share any complaints or concerns with your child’s coach, Head Coach or Club Welfare Officer.
Please do not enter the gym whilst your child is training unless specifically asked to by the coach. You may watch from the viewing gallery but please do not distract your child and do allow them to focus on their training session.
Encourage your child to think about our DREAM philosophy and to participate in accordance with the Gymnasts’ Code of Conduct
Support your child’s involvement and enjoyment in their sport and never force your child to take part.
Please pay your child’s fees promptly.
Please ensure that your child has appropriate membership with British Gymnastics (your child’s coach can advise you about this).
Recognise that a squad/group place is based upon a gymnast’s ability, behaviour and attitude and is subject to continual review to benefit all gymnasts. Please respect coaching decisions about squad changes and if you wish to discuss your gymnast’s place please ask for a meeting with their coach.
Show respect to all gymnasts, coaches, and officials at the club. We want our club to be a friendly and welcoming place for all and we can encourage this by treating each other with kindness and respect
Always use correct and appropriate language and behaviour and adhere to the Social Networking and Communication policy.
Be aware that poor behaviour towards anyone associated with the club will not be tolerated.
Never punish or belittle a child for poor performance or making mistakes.
Help your child recognise good performance and effort, not just results.
Set examples of good sportsmanship and sporting ethos by applauding performances and by recognising good performances of other gymnasts, not just you own.
Do not criticise the performance of other gymnasts during training or at competitions.
Respect and celebrate differences within our club and do not discriminate against anyone based on their gender, race, sexual orientation, faith, culture or ability.
Endeavour to establish good communications with the club, coaches and officials for the benefit of all, this includes personal contact, email, phone calls and WhatsApp messages.
Please consider the time of day/evening when you are communicating and respect each other’s right to respond at an appropriate time.
Please respect that coaches need time off too and consider this when contacting them.
Be aware that is it your responsibility to read all club communications and respond within the appropriate timescales where necessary.
The club is run by a committee of volunteers. Please be mindful of this and understand that they may not be able to respond to messages immediately.
At competitions
It is your responsibility to read all relevant competition information sent out by the club so that you and your gymnast are well prepared. If you are not sure about something, please ask your child’s coach in advance.
Always ensure your child is dressed in club kit, with their hair in a neat bun and any make-up applied (your coach can advise you about this).
Ensure that your child has everything they need for the competition; the correct equipment/leotards and plenty to drink and eat.
Accept all official judgements and refrain from arguing with or challenging officials, coaches, and other gymnasts publicly.
The coach is responsible for your child during a competition. Adults are not allowed in the warm-up area. If you do need to contact your child, please ask the official on the welfare desk to liaise with them via their coach.
Please limit your contact with your child at a competition so that they can focus on their performance and preparation.
Do not contact your child by phone during competitions and if you do see them do not discuss results.
We want our gymnasts to have a positive experience at Team Bath Rhythmic Gymnastics. However, on occasion, coaches may have to deal with behaviour that does not follow our gymnasts’ Code of Conduct. When this does happen, the club will always follow advice on safeguarding from its governing body, British Gymnastics. BG’s policies are subject to annual review and as required by the relevant legislation, HM Government, NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU), UK Sport and Home Country Sports Councils. Our club follows the NSPCC CPSU guidelines for Managing Challenging Behaviour
This code of conduct is a guideline to good practice, it is not exhaustive, above all we want the gymnasts to have FUN!
Welfare Team
January 2024